Neuromorphic Code
- CodeReclaimers/neat-python: Python implementation of the NEAT neuroevolution algorithm
- GitHub - kvesteri/intervals: Python tools for handling intervals (ranges of comparable objects).
- Sparsey CSA Explainer
- Neurithmic-Systems/V-to-mu_Demo: Sparsey CSA Demo
- wmayner/pyphi: A toolbox for integrated information theory.
- GitHub - ogmacorp/OgmaNeo2: Sparse Predictive Hierarchies (SPH)
- GitHub - haidark/WaveletDeconv: Neural network layer code to implement wavelet deconvolutions
- Semantic DB
- The Semantic DB Project
- How to Find Packages With CMake: The Basics
- Semantic DB 4 Operator Usage Docs
- The Semantic DB Project
- Attractors — Examples 0.1.0 documentation
- projectmesa/mesa: Mesa is an open-source Python library for agent-based modeling, ideal for simulating complex systems and exploring emergent behaviors.
- GitHub - INCF/csa: The Python implementation of the Connection-Set Algebra
- d3/d3-delaunay: Compute the Voronoi diagram of a set of two-dimensional points.
- YCAMInterlab/cga.js: # Computational Geometry Algorithms in Javascript
- geometry-processing-js
- GitHub - matthias-k/pysaliency: Python Framework for Saliency Modeling and Evaluation
- microsoft/dowhy: DoWhy is a Python library for causal inference that supports explicit modeling and testing of causal assumptions. DoWhy is based on a unified language for causal inference, combining causal graphical models and potential outcomes framework
- rguo12/awesome-causality-algorithms: An index of algorithms for learning causality with data
- Jeff Hawkins on Object Modeling in the Thousand Brains Theory (Part Two) - September 9, 2021 - YouTube
- GitHub - hoya012/awesome-anomaly-detection: A curated list of awesome anomaly detection resources
- GitHub - lnthach/Mr-SEQL: Time Series Classification with Multiple Symbolic Representations.
- GitHub - patrickzib/SFA: Scalable Time Series Data Analytics
- Files - Multivariate Time Series Classification - Multivariate Time Series Classification Datasets
- GitHub - johannfaouzi/pyts: A Python package for time series classification
- Welcome to pyts documentation! — pyts 0.9.0 documentation
- Evaluating anomaly detection algorithms with receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves | by Willie Wheeler | wwblog | Medium
- Evaluating anomaly detection algorithms with precision-recall curves | by Willie Wheeler | wwblog | Medium
- AdvaitSarkar/Gatherminer: An interactive visual tool for time series analysis
- time-series-api/time-series.ttl at master · ox-it/time-series-api
- How to generate sequential, time‑series synthetic data - Hazy
- Generating Synthetic Sequential Data using GANs | by Armando Vieira | Towards AI
- Time series data introduction:. Data attributes, Attributes validation… | by Inbar Oz | Towards Data Science
- earthgecko/skyline: The science and art of anomaly detection
- Predicting power consumptions with HTM
- Attempting the Numenta Anomaly Benchmark
- GitHub - aeon-toolkit/aeon: A toolkit for conducting machine learning tasks with time series data
- GitHub - datamllab/tods: TODS: An Automated Time-series Outlier Detection System
- GitHub - pygod-team/pygod: A Python Library for Graph Outlier Detection (Anomaly Detection)
- GitHub - yzhao062/pyod: A Comprehensive and Scalable Python Library for Outlier Detection (Anomaly Detection)
- GitHub - Minqi824/ADBench: Official Implement of “ADBench: Anomaly Detection Benchmark”, NeurIPS 2023.
- aeon 0.5.0 documentation
- GitHub - tslearn-team/tslearn: A machine learning toolkit dedicated to time-series data
- Time Series Classification Website
- GitHub - ChangWeiTan/TS-Extrinsic-Regression: This repository contains the source code for time series regression.
- GitHub - salesforce/Merlion: Merlion: A Machine Learning Framework for Time Series Intelligence
- Current Time Series Anomaly Detection Benchmarks are Flawed and are Creating the Illusion of Progress - I’m Renjie Wu
- GitHub - finloop/usad-on-ucr-data: USAD model on UCR Time Series Anomaly Archive
- GitHub - uwgraphics/ProximityPlanarRecovery: Code for “Unlocking the Performance of Proximity Sensors by Utilizing Transient Histograms”
- totogo/awesome-knowledge-graph: A curated list of Knowledge Graph related learning materials, databases, tools and other resources
- pyoxigraph 0.3.17-dev documentation
- morph-kgc/morph-kgc: Powerful RDF Knowledge Graph Generation with [R2]RML Mappings
- GraphDB Downloads and Resources
- Apache TinkerPop: Gremlin
- gremlinpython · PyPI
- TinkerPop Documentation
- Machine Learning on Graphs, Part 2 | by Konstantin Kutzkov | Towards Data Science
- GitHub - konstantinkutzkov/lone_sampler
- GitHub - shenweichen/GraphEmbedding: Implementation and experiments of graph embedding algorithms.- Graph Embedding -
- node2vec: Embeddings for Graph Data | by Elior Cohen | Towards Data Science
- Machine Learning on Graphs, Part 4 | by Konstantin Kutzkov | Nov, 2022 | Towards Data Science
- GitHub - eliorc/node2vec: Implementation of the node2vec algorithm.
- GraphEmbedding/ at master · shenweichen/GraphEmbedding · GitHub
- lone_sampler/ at master · konstantinkutzkov/lone_sampler · GitHub
Computer Languages
- Expressions and operators - JavaScript | MDN
- A Complete Guide to Flexbox | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks
- A simple interpreter from scratch in Python (part 1) —
- The complete guide to (external) Domain Specific Languages - Strumenta
- Quickly create DSLs with Langium - Strumenta
- dabeaz/ply: Python Lex-Yacc
- MPS User’s Guide | MPS Documentation
- MontiCore
- MetaEdit+ Domain-Specific Modeling tools
- Xtext - Language Engineering Made Easy!
- Spoofax: The Language Designer’s Workbench - Spoofax
- The Rascal Meta Programming Language | The Rascal Meta Programming Language
- Racket
- textX
- Dodge transform | Observable Plot