- emotions serve as cognitive motivations without clearly defined goal states
- Anger
- triggered by a (State)
- biases aggressive behavior
- impulse to hurt others or self
- impulse to acquire power to change a situation
- can be constructive or destructive (Path)
- Sadness or Grief
- a negative reinforcement
- marks cognitive states with sadness which triggers avoidance behavior
- creates abstract avoidant states in the mind
- Fear
- an active negative reinforcement with a concrete avoidant state
- more immediate and concrete than sadness marked states
- can be physical and immediate or more abstract tied to abstract avoidant states
- fear biases the Path, but grief biases the avoidant State
- Happy
- positive reinforcement, reward state
- reward for being in desired cognitive state of affairs
- can be being in desired goal (State)
- can be optimal workflow, where achieve succession of mini-goals (Path)
- Greed / Ambition
- acquire material and power
- Path motivation, but can remove motivation if achieve a prescribed goal
- can resolve into set of concrete goals (State)
- motivation created by example of others or by imagination
- Animal Motivation (Needs have Terminal States)
- Lust (Path + Terminal State)
- Hunger (Path + Terminal State)
- Thirst (Path + Terminal State)
- Pain (State + Terminal State)
- Fear (Path + Terminal State)
- Pleasure (Path + Goal State)