Software Development
- video platform as a service - Google Search
- Introduction to Auto Layout | Beginning iOS 10 Programming with Swift
- Kaltura Player - api
- AWS Login
- silktide/simple-node-kissmetrics: Kissmetrics library for React.js
- Building beautiful REST APIs using Flask, Swagger UI and Flask-RESTPlus - Michał Karzyński
- Extensions Registry | Flask (A Python Microframework)
- How to make a React.js WordPress Plugin - My App Income
- kaltura/video-recruiting-interveiws-app-sample: How to use Kaltura and WebRTC Record to interview applicants with a video questionnaire
- The RDF4J REST API · Eclipse RDF4J™ | The Eclipse Foundation
- Getting Started with Neo4j and Flask - Developer Guides
- neo4j-examples/neo4j-movies-template: A Neo4j movies React application with backends in Python/Flask and Node/Express.
- Click | The Pallets Projects
- pallets/quart: An async Python micro framework for building web applications.
- RapiDoc - Web Component based Swagger & OpenAPI Spec Viewer
- python-hyper/wsproto: Sans-IO WebSocket protocol implementation
- groove-x/pura: the little async embedded visualization framework that could (Python)
- Trio: a friendly Python library for async concurrency and I/O — Trio 0.21.0+dev documentation
- Welcome to Pyramid, a Python Web Framework
- Welcome to Prefect - Prefect Docs
- Brython
- Brython
- pyscaffold/pyscaffold: 🛠 Python project template generator with batteries included
- pyecore/pyecore: A Python(nic) Implementation of EMF/Ecore (Eclipse Modeling Framework)
- shimpe/expremigen: expressive midi generation with python 3