Research ideas for sensorimotor grounding experiments.

Originally these were signpost topics that I was meant to expand upon. I wrote them down here so I wouldn’t forget them.

Simple grounded agent with sensor encoding and simple effector in toy environment

  • encoder with defined intervals for each bit
  • an effector that can modify the sensor input distribution (change average?)

Little prince toy world as applied to an object model

  • create a simple graph model of an object with feature-locations connected by traversable edges

Signposts and trails for sensorimotor representation generation

  • posts are landmarks
  • trails are refined paths between them
  • grid modules are reusable and disposable sources of change
  • encoded representations are features at locations
  • actions are the transitions between points in the effector space
  • “action-shapes” are the object models
  • remapping of grid cells, translating the object, or rotating the object are the same task?
  • object models encode the relationship between signposts… how?
  • how to represent motor commands that are transformable?
  • how to apply motor commands to grid modules?
  • how to retune the grid modules to reflect varying levels of granularity in spatial understanding?
  • vector addition, how to extract a new transition between signposts A and C, if we know AB and BC?

Retinotopic map can be used for saccade targets

  • literature provides model of converting WTA neuron to rate-coded tonic command to motor neurons controlling eye muscles

Read literature to understand conversion from motor command to population code and vice versa.

  • Efferent commands and afferent commands.
  • Retinotopic map is an code example, but not sure on bidirectional conversion

Types of Grounding

according to Milliere

Referential Grounding

  • Linking word to things in the world
  • This definition is confusing since it seems redundant, nor does it give an explanation of how such a metaphysical task is accomplished. It seems like this is just what people assume grounding is already and the below are the various ways to accomplish it

Sensorimotor Grounding

  • Linking words to experience
  • Relating internal representation to each other

Relational Grounding

  • Establishing relationships between words in a language

Communicative Grounding

  • Dynamic process of establishing common ground in a conversation

Epistemic Grounding

  • Linking words to knowledge base or dictionary definitions