A form of “computational semiotics” by C. Landauer and K. Bellman. Can relate to Computational Meaning
TODO: paper reference
Loosened Constraints
- Indefinite boundaries
- indefinite elements
- Context in description
- Different structures for different viewpoints
Syntax & Semantics
- structure
- structure descriptions
- structured entity
- structured process
- category & symbol
- Concepts & Things
- Descriptions
- category as individuals
- category as collection of individuals
- all concepts are individuals
- individual as assemblage
- individual a member of category
- contains context?
- Assemblage (of individuals)
- Individual
- Concepts & Things
- Context
- Member of category under some viewpoint
- term for all category structuring mechanisms
- assigned viewpoint for each division
- Other categories are constituents
- Same category can have multiple divisions/viewpoints
- different components of a structured entity are roles in the division that defines that decomposition
- Roles
- Constituents
- Relationships among categories
- Roles are filled